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Mariah is great to work with. Unlike other recruiters she is very professional and will keep you updated. I can understand that recruiters tend to get busy and may not answer your calls most of the times. But Mariah will make sure to reach out back to you and keep you informed with in a day or less. Whenever she is busy she at least acknowledges your voicemail through a text or email. Working with her is like a dream and I strongly recommend anyone looking for opportunities to work with Mariah.
Mariah reached out to me on LInkedIn and showed me the dots of reasons, that intersected with my points of view. I thought that the position she referred me appear to be very security oriented, precisely based on my expertise, yet at the same time horizontal in nature, precisely the type of position that I liked, plus closer to my city.
Mariah did a wonderful job together with director, and submitted my resume. Whether or not I will get the job it's still unknown, however Mariah did everything she can to help me.
Mariah knows how to communicate well and collect relevant peaces of information at the right time.