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TNAA Reviews

Laura Morgan


134 reviews

3+ years experience


Registered Nurse (RN)


United States
May 23, 2023: 5.00
I came to Laura after being referred by a friend. At the time I was working with 4 companies trying to get a contract in a specific area. Laura came in, listened to my needs, my wishes, and before long we were not only submitting to jobs but jobs I actually wanted. This may sound like a normal recruiter tasks, but what’s unique is that in working with 4 companies over a month I was only submitted to one or two jobs I wanted. Laura within a few days had me submitted to over 10 jobs that I actually wanted! How is it that she found so many jobs when others couldn’t? She’s amazing, that’s how! Her communication is always professional and timely and I really appreciate her efforts to me!
Highly Recommended
- Kevin P.


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