I have recruiter travel nurses exclusively since 2006 and love what I do! I work with some of the best facilities in the country and I love to help my nurses reach there personal and professional goals. I was born and raised in NC and live in Charlotte with my wife and 3 kids. I have 2 sassy but precious french bulldogs named Bayleigh and Bentley who rule the house. I am a huge nerd with a love for all things Star Wars, DC Comics (especially wonder woman) and Dr. Who.
Why I love to recruit
I love hearing the happiness in a nurses voice when she gets an offer! Seeing photos and watching others enjoy life and knowing I helped them achieve that dream gives me purpose!
When I'm not working I like to
I love to dance! I actually am part owner of a dance studio in Charlotte. Its my passion and I have turned it into a successful investment.
Who I Recruit For
Started working at TNAA on
Paige B. RN TELE
1 hour ago
About Olivia Jordan:
Keron A. RN TELE
1 week ago
About Olivia Jordan:
Ammy B. RN
1 week ago
About Olivia Jordan:
Joey M. RN MedSurg
2 weeks ago
About Olivia Jordan:
Kimberly R. RN Endo
2 weeks ago
About Olivia Jordan: