I hit a quarter life crisis when I realized half of my friends on Facebook had either just got accepted to some awesome graduate program or started their dream job at some huge corporation. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted a career that at the end of the day made me feel like I made a difference to someone.
I spent years working in emergency services, I had the helping people part down but no work / life balance outside of work. I felt like I had scrolled through every page on indeed, when I finally found AMI! Somehow, my dream job very quickly became helping other people find their dream job. I've now got the best of both worlds. I get to help people and I get the time and flexibility to enjoy life outside of work!
When I'm not sitting behind my computer in sweatpants with my dog. I'm definitely out finding a new trail to hike, (in sweatpants with my dog)!
Why I love to recruit
The first time I had a conversation with a candidate after helping them land their dream job! It was a moment where something just clicked for me, and I realized I just helped change someone's life. Without finding their resume amongst the masses and really getting to know them, I wouldn't have been able to help make that difference! They may have been stuck in the endless job board scroll for who knows how long.
When I'm not working I like to
Travel! 30 hour roadtrips straight through! Anything to get me somewhere on a beach or in the mountains.
Who I Recruit For
Started working at AMI Network on
Carol R. AMFT
1 year ago
About Abby McLaughlin:
Moses S. ACSW
1 year ago
About Abby McLaughlin:
Carmela S. Director of Operations
2 years ago
About Abby McLaughlin:
Keith N. Crisis Stablization Program Director
2 years ago
About Abby McLaughlin:
Gina R. Director for Nonprofit
2 years ago
About Abby McLaughlin: